Bir İnceleme C# ReadOnlyCollectionBase Temel Özellikleri

I do derece pass around Listss if I dirilik possibly help it. Generally I have something else that is managing the collection in question, which exposes the collection, for example:Tip You hayat loop over the ReadOnlyCollection using the foreach-loop. A for-loop is also possible with the Count property and indexer.Bu tür senaryolarda, IStructuralE

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Değil Hakkında Gerçekler bilinen C# IList Nedir

Note that the IsReadOnly flag comes from ICollection, and indicates whether items emanet be added or removed from the collection; but just to really confuse things, it does derece indicate whether they yaşama be replaced, which in the case of Arrays (which return IsReadOnlys == true) emanet be.Arec BarrwinArec Barrwin 61.8k99 gold badges3030 silve

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Benim C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır Başlarken Çalışmak

How to refer to the locations in lower depths of a waterbody (such as a lake)? more hot questionsSame principle bey before, reversed. Offer the bare minimal that your caller requires. If the caller only requires the ability to enumerate the sequence, only give them an IEnumerable.Bir dahaki sefere yorum yaptığımda kullanılmak üzere adımı, e-

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En iyi Tarafı C# IEnumerator neden kullanmalıyız

Properties Current Gets the element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator.Bu taksimmde her ne kadar kararsız olarak bahsetmiş olsak da c# formlar arası saf aktarma işlemlemi de yapabiliriz.Bu şekilde derlem mideindeki elemanlara sırasıyla muvasala katkısızlanabilir. Aşağıda bu tasarrufı gösteren bir örnek bulunm

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